Exceptional Children (EC)
ALA serves all students regardless of their academic ability. This includes students who have been identified with disabilities. ALA employs Exceptional Children's teachers and provide services based on each student's Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs). Please use the links below for more resources related to EC. For questions related to ALA's Exceptional Children's department please contact Barbara Jenkins at bjenkins@alaschoolsnc.org.
EC Resources
For further information regarding Child Find or if you suspect your student may have a disability and need special education and/or related services, please contact:
EC Program Director, Barbara Jenkins – bjenkins@alaschoolsnc.org – 919 842-5411

Parent Rights and Responsibilities in Special Education
This handbook is designed to support families with the understanding of the rights and
responsibilities specific to the special education process. Acronyms and terms often used in
special education and resources can be found in the appendices. If at any time, you suspect your student may have a disability and is in need of special education and/or related services, you may request an evaluation, in writing, to your student’s school principal, teacher, or local EC Department.
NCDPI Exceptional Children Division
The mission of the Exceptional Children Division is to ensure that students with disabilities
develop intellectually, physically, emotionally, and vocationally through the provision of an
appropriate individualized program in the least restrictive environment.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Families
What is NC MTSS?
Family engagement within an MTSS is defined as the active and meaningful partnerships that educators build and maintain with students’ families for the purpose of supporting student learning. It embodies the idea that all parties are equally invested in the student’s educational experience and all parties bring knowledge and skills of equal value to the table to work together.
This linked infographic is intended to support NC families in understanding what NC educators are referring to when they are talking about an MTSS.
ALA Exceptional Children Contact List
EC Director/Facilitator: Barbara Jenkins, bjenkins@alaschoolsnc.org, 919 842-5411
EC School Administrator: Robert Sims, rsims@alaschoolsnc.org, 919 842-5411