ALA's Campus
Ascend Leadership Academy owns a 23.1 acre property off of Harvey Faulk Road in Sanford, NC. This property is the site of all three phases of ALA's Campus expansion plan. ALA secured this property in southeastern Lee County to accommodate families in both Lee and Harnett counties.
Activities Hub
The Activities Hub is a 19,000 square foot modular building with 18 classrooms and 3 office spaces. This building currently houses activities related to ALA extracurricular activities. It includes our library, media center, broadcasting room, meeting rooms, weight and cardio rooms, and technology storage.
Building B
Building B is a 45,000 square foot facility that utilized 35 classrooms and 8 office spaces. This building also contains a dual purpose gym/auditorium space to be utilized for ALA athletic events and performing arts performances. Phase II of Building B is now complete. All students attend classes in Building B with 6th and 7th grade students attending classes in the east wing and 8th -12th graders attending classes in the west wing.